
Lambda, colectivo de lesbianas, gays, trans y bisexuales es una asociación privada sin ánimo de lucro que se constituye el 25 de septiembre de 1986 motivada por la situación de discriminación legal y marginación social que sufríamos las personas lesbianas, homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales. Desde entonces, Lambda trabaja:

  • En la sociedad, denunciando públicamente la discriminación legal y marginación social hacia lesbianas, gays, trans y bisexuales, educando sobre la realidad del hecho homosexual, bisexual y trans, y luchando para conseguir la completa igualdad legal y social de todas las personas con independencia de su orientación sexual e identidad de género.
  • En la comunidad LGTB (lesbiana, gay, trans y bisexual), fomentando la salud, la participación social y la solidaridad, así como prestando servicios de apoyo.

Lambda is a non-profit organisation founded in 1986 to tackle the issue of legal discrimination and social marginalisation of  queer and trans people. Since then Lambda has been working :

  • In society by publicly denouncing legal discrimination and social marginalisation aimed at lesbians, gay, trans and bisexual people by educating people about what it means to be queer or trans and by fighting to reach full social and legal equality for all people, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • In the LGBTQ community by promoting the health, social participation and solidarity within the community by providing support services.

Their website and resources are available both in castellano and in valencià. :


Since 2008, Kifkif has been registered as a non-profit organization. Without embargo, they work in favor of social inclusion of persons of diverse backgrounds and the eradication of discrimination because of xenophobia, racism, homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia, and transphobia surmounts work of years past.

The organization was born from a group of ambitious young people, full of initiative, linked to the social and cultural fields. They wanted to create a space to work for a particular common cause: to contribute to the welcoming of LGBT migrants and refugees recently arrived in the community of Madrid, helping to lessen culture shock, and working with them for the formation of an intercultural society of respect and integration for those coming from other countries, on the margin due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Resources are available in Spanish, English and Moroccan Arabic


Contact : administracion@kifkif.lgb

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